128 Schools Given Free Football Kit

Monday 21 February 2005By ESFA Office

Last Updated:
10/02/2021 11:48:59

Neale Wade Community College, Cambridgeshire

128 schools from around the country are now proud owners of a brand new football strip for their U14 teams as part of Imagineire?s huge marketing activity to support their 4 ACES series.

Imagineire has sponsored the ESFA (English Schools Football Association) in a tournament bigger than the FA Cup itself: 1076 schools have played in 5 rounds so far!  Each participating school received 2 copies of 4 Aces ? A Rising Star (ISBN: 1 904725 03 1) for their library and every boy received a 4 Aces goodie bag. 

Schools that reached the fourth round received a full team strip worth over ?300.  Imagineire are sponsoring the tournament to encourage reading through boys? enthusiasm for sport.  It is the first time a publisher has sponsored an ESFA tournament.  ?It?s fantastic to see reading and sport linked by this book,? says John Read, CEO of the ESFA, ?Education is key to our approach to football.?

The kits are manufactured by leading sportswear brand UMBRO and are branded 4 ACES/UMBRO.  Lawrie McMenemy, former Southampton and England U18s Manager, who is football consultant on the series said, ?Schools have been emailing in photos and messages of thanks for these kits.  They are so grateful.?

The race is on now for the final which will be held in May at a top football stadium.

Click here for more information on the 4 Aces 


The ESFA, together with CALIFORNIA RAISINS  have launched their new AWARD SCHEME to give schools a bigger opportunity to get their pupils involved in football

There are now 9 awards and certificates throughout primary and secondary schools.  The Award Schemes starts with the 1 star award which is awarded for INVOLVEMENT - no need to be in the school team or a substitute - in an a formal soccer lesson / coaching / skills session.  - NO ONE IS TESTED The scheme then progress through improvement and excellence into team and representative awards.  Then its on to Bronze , Silver and Gold for the secondary awards. There is a special merit award -open to anyone - which rewards spirit, conduct, effort and attitude.  Full details of the Award Scheme can be found on the website - Click on the CALIFORNIA RAISIN link buttom - Awards can be ordered through the ESFA ONLINE SHOP


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